Interdisciplinary approach to introduction of IX-XI levels of GTO complex by students - future social workers
J.B. Safonova1, 3, L.A. Pryadko2, 3
1 Dr.Hab., professor
2 Ph.D.
3 Omsk State Technical University, Omsk
Reduced motor activity of elderly people limits the range of their interests, the implementation of routine loads, contributes to the progression of chronic diseases. Implementation of the GTO complex (IX-XI levels) in the life of elderly people can enhance the knowledge and skills of using means of physical culture in the weekly motor mode. According to the sociological study of 250 elderly people being served at home, in affiliates of the "Penaty" complex center, aged 65-85 years, without disabilities, 75% of them are practicing various kinds of physical culture and would like to get additional information from social workers. The principal feature of social work as a profession is its border nature, as it accumulates the elements of related professions: psychologist, teacher, health worker, including, in our opinion, expert in physical education or social worker possessing the knowledge. The state educational standard of higher education on the speciality "Social work and state requirements to the mandatory minimum of the content of the subject "Physical Education" showed that the content of education presupposes the possibility of forming in future specialists a conscious need to use means of physical education. At the same time there is a lack of readiness for this kind of activity, prompting employees of the Department of Physical Education and Sport and the Department of Sociology, Social Work and Political Science to conduct joint research in the context of formation of this readiness.
Keywords: GTO complex (IX-XI levels); students, future social workers; means of physical culture, elderly people.
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