Influence of technology of secondary prevention of lateral epicondylitis on functional indices of upper limb muscles of musculoskeletal system in tennis players aged 14-16 years


K.N. Mel'nichuk1, 3, I.V. Osadchenko2, 3
1 Postgraduate student
2 Ph.D., associate professor
3 Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (MGAFK) Malakhovka, Moscow region

The matter of prevention of injuries and diseases of the upper limbs of the musculoskeletal system, particularly lateral epicondylitis in tennis players aged 14-16 years, has been insufficiently researched. Thanks to the developed method of secondary prevention of lateral epicondylitis in tennis players in the pre-season stage training phase it was possible to reduce the period of transition to full-value training, restore muscle balance between extensor and flexor muscles of the forearm, increase arm muscle strength, range of motions in the elbow joint, improve speed-strength abilities of the muscles of the upper limb, and also increase the amount of technical and tactical actions for the training session. The sample consisted of 26 boys (14 - experimental group and 12 - control group) and 18 girls (9 people in each of the groups), first-class athletes and CMS.
The main experiment was conducted in two stages: the first one - in February 2014, after the 1st season (winter), the second - in August 2014, after the 2nd season (summer).

Keywords: sports injuries, lateral epicondylitis, prevention, musculoskeletal system, tennis players.


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