Anthropometric and somatotypological characteristics of students of KhMAO-Yugra
A.M. Tkhazeplov1, 3, Mohammed Walid Hassan Hebah2, 3
1 Ph.D.
2 Postgraduate student
3 Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov, Nalchik
The purpose of the research was to analyze the indicators of physical development of junior athletes of the Republic of Yemen, living in different climatic zones to determine team sports aptitude.
The authors suggested that the organizational and methodological conditions to improve the quality of orientation and qualification in the Republic of Yemen are:
- consideration of national peculiarities of life and understanding of the system of physical education and sports classes;
- consideration of climatic conditions of life of different sections of the population of the Republic of Yemen;
- available sports system of assessment and sports talent verification technology adapted to specific conditions and requirements.
There was identified the dependence of physical condition (level of physical fitness, physical development, functional state) on the climatic conditions of residence and the advanced development of children living in the seaside relative those living in the industrial area.
Keywords: experiment, physical development, biological maturity and development options, functional development, climatogeographic conditions.
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