Physical development of junior athletes of Yemen Republic living in different climatic zones
L.A. Glinchikova1, 2
1 Ph.D., associate professor
2 Institute of recreation, tourism and physical culture of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad
The historical aspects of the development and improvement of the profession of a physical education teacher in the modern and contemporary history of Poland are described in the given paper. The authors provide for Russian specialists the information on the evolution of the views of Polish scientists regarding professional qualities of the teacher. The authors consider the role to be performed by teachers of physical education in their professional activities. The emergence of the concept "teacher's effectiveness" and the possibility of forming the necessary qualities in the work of a teacher, as well as the feasibility of their observation and evaluation are justified.
In the light of the modern humanistic model of physical education the major purpose of education in today's Poland is meeting the current and future needs of particular individuals, society and state, training of a diversified personality of a citizen of the country, capable of working, social adaptation in the society, self-education and self-improvement. The teacher of physical education, who is freely and liberal, acts out-of-the-box, predicts the results of his activity and in accordance with this skillfully models the educational process, guarantees achievement of set goals.
At present, the educational system in Poland is built in such a way so that the teachers themselves could make efforts to improve their skills, level and scope of competences at all stages of their development.
Keywords: physical education teacher, pedagogical talent, professional skills, skill level, competences.
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