New generation of technologies of modernization of university subject «Physical education»


S.I. Belykh1, 2
1 Ph.D., professor
2 Donetsk National University, Ukraine

Nowadays it is relevant to create and use the research methods of the new generation, meeting the requirements of not only the validity of the tests, but also easiness of their use in teaching practice, rapid processing, clarity and objectivity of the results.
The purpose of the present research was to study the situation with the organization of physical education of university students in the part related with a healthy lifestyle (and the availability of the necessary and diverse knowledge and skills, as well as the features of promotion of the healthy lifestyle and the impact on the process of teachers of physical education chairs).
The presented findings, based on the use of innovative technology help determine the degree of distribution and the features of formation of sports activities of university students. Negative tendencies in university physical education were identified.

Keywords: physical culture activity of students, problems in work of teachers and Physical Education Department.


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  2. Dmitriev, S.V. Akmeologicheskie aspekty razvitiya studenta v obrazovatel'nykh tekhnologiyakh (Acmeological aspects of student's development in educational technologies) / S.V. Dmitriev // Vіsnik Chernіgіvs'kogo natsіonal'nogo pedagogіchnogo unіversitetu. – Iss. 98. – V. 2. – Serіya: PEDAGOGІChNІ NAUKI. FІZIChNE VIKHOVANNYA TA SPORT. – Chernіhіv, 2012. – P. 5–8.
  3. Dmitriev, S.V. Akmeologicheskoe proektirovanie v obrazovatel'nykh tekhnologiyakh (Acmeological design in educational technologies) / S.V. Dmitriev // Vіsnik Chernіgіvs'kogo natsіonal'nogo pedagogіchnogo unіversitetu. – Iss. 98. – V. 2. – Serіya: PEDAGOGІChNІ NAUKI. FІZIChNE VIKHOVANNYA TA SPORT. – Chernіhіv, 2012. – P. 9–12.