Modern psychodiagnostics tools in sports fitness monitoring
V.P. Stroshkov1, 2
1 Ph.D., associate professor
2 Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
The purpose of the present study was to develop an information system for psychodiagnostics of measures, which needs to be adapted to the previously designed software and hardware system used for regional monitoring of physical health and physical fitness of pupils of sports schools to expand its capabilities and for more convenience of users in sports fitness monitoring. The software architecture of the complex, which currently has a modular structure with a common interface containing morphofunctional, pedagogical, psychological and analytical modules, has been improved in the course of the research work. Thanks to this architecture the collection, systematization, evaluation and analysis of the results of the comprehensive testing of sports fitness can be combined. There were examined and selected psychological tests, which were divided into two groups: qualitative (describing athlete's personality) and quantitative (determining quantitative indicators of a particular psychological quality, which can vary during the annual training cycle with regard to the athlete's body state). Both groups of tests with teaching materials on their implementation and judgment standards were built in in a common interface, test library and estimating package of the software so that its functionality could be expanded. Test trials of the upgraded hardware and software complex were successfully conducted using a psychological module (using tablet computers and remote access sensors for heart rate measurement).
Keywords: sports fitness monitoring, psychodiagnostics, information system.
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