Training of future Bachelors of Physical Education for preventive professional pedagogical activity



Professor, Dr.Hab. I.L. Fedotenko
Associate professor, Ph.D. Ye.I. Turevskaya
Ph.D. I.A. Yugfeld 
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Tula

Keywords: preventive activity, bachelor of physical education, conflicts, deformations.

Introduction. Problems of school childhood increase dramatically in the current socio-economic situation. Parents, teachers, psychologists can not disturb the tendency of constant growth of school violence, child and adolescent drug abuse, toxic substance abuse, alcoholism. Modern society becomes potentially more and more dangerous for the growing child.

In this situation, it is obvious that the preventive position, the willingness to prevent socially and psychologically risky behaviour of children should be a crucially important element of professional work of every teacher, and, above all, a teacher of physical education. Among the competences of the bachelor of physical education, the following one is of particular importance: "readiness to ensure the safety of students’ life and health in the educational process and in extracurricular activities" (standard). Prevention is related to the care of the teacher about schoolchildren, their physical and mental health, well-being and development in the educational process. It is important for social and mental health of students that the graduate of a pedagogical university could "be able to organize the cooperation of students and pupils" (standard). Physical education teacher should not do any harm to a child by his actions or inaction. It is knowledge of the mechanisms of creating an atmosphere contributing to meeting needs, interests and requests of the child that is required of the teacher. Preventive activity is directly related to the humanization of the educational space, to pedagogical optimism, to the teachers’ belief in capacities of every child and in their own teaching abilities. For successful preventive work of physical education teachers, they must be tolerant, compassionate, emotionally stable, empathic and sympathetic. Moral and ethical position of teachers in the context of prevention is noted for efficacy, willingness to purposefully change not only the circumstances of the educational process but also to rebuild their own activities and professional behaviour overcoming the resistance of the environment.

However, teacher training university graduates are not usually ready to implement the preventive capacities of professional activity. Most often, the teacher (with a greater or lesser degree of validity) reacts to offenses already committed by a child, on the occurred conflicts, on school violence. According to the diagnostics carried out by teachers of Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, more than 78% of physical education teachers are not ready for competent and proper preventive actions: they are not well informed of the indicators showing the drug and alcohol addiction level at students; they are not quite ready to prevent injuries, physical and mental overload, children's deviations. The vast majority of teachers are characterized by rapid but not tactical and, moreover, strategic thinking. Teacher professional reaction is stereotypical, not always appropriate and correct; its psychological ground is based on the classical formula of behaviourism: stimulus-response. Unfortunately, the range of pedagogical roles of the physical education teacher in the modern school is rather monotonous; it is dominated by the roles of instructor, coach, supervisor, registrar, judge. Preventive pedagogics emphasizes the importance of strategic thinking of teachers which requires diagnostic, prognostic, designing, communicative, conflictological, psychotherapeutic and reflexive competences.

Methods and research organization. The development of effective models of training of future physical education teachers for preventive professional activities is related to designing of goals hierarchy, to the formation of students' emotional and valuable attitude to prevention, axiological enrichment of the content of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, to a variety of techniques of their studying. On the ascertaining stage the diagnostics was carried out using such methods as questionnaires, analyses of the students’ creation, tests. On the forming stage an experimental work was carried out.

First of all, we tried to find out which aspects of the educational process in the modern school are most crucial for prevention in the opinion of the graduates of TSPU Department of Physical Culture. For this purpose, a questionnaire of graduate students was conducted. The responses marked out the following directions of prevention: students’ injury prevention, prevention of injuries during physical education lessons; poor progress prevention; prevention of discipline and order violations, truancy; prevention of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction. Some respondents marked that it is necessary to pay particular attention to exercises with increased injury risks, methods of insurance and assistance to students. Only a few graduates noted the importance of such aspects of prevention as overloads, physical, mental fatigue of students; prevention of school violence, child aggression and conflicts. Thus, preventive professional activity is understood by future teachers mainly as a didactic (prevention of students’ typical errors, school failure prevention), methodological (injury prevention) and organizational-managing (prevention of truancy, violations of discipline and order). Such aspects of preventive activity as conflicts of a teacher with pupil’s parents, with colleagues, prevention of professional and personal deformations of PE teachers are practically beyond the scope of professional prevention.

In our opinion, the preventive aspect of the teachers’ activity can be seen as a system forming component of their training. Understanding of preventive actions as the space of integration and correlation of psychological and pedagogical, methodological, substantive, medical knowledge creates the conditions for a more complete identification of its humanistic potential. The development of the preventive position of a bachelor of physical education involves the coordination of different disciplines: "Human Life Activities Safety", "Remedial Gymnastics", "Human Anatomy", "Human Physiology", "Physiology of Sport and Physical Education", "Hygiene", "Labour Safety in an Educational Institution", "Sports Medicine", "Law in Educational Sphere."

Prevention activity of bachelors of physical education requires from them a high level of technological competence and preparedness for self-regulation. Preventive position of teachers is related to their individual responsibility, their willingness to increase the safety degree of the child, to correctly predict the favourable development of the situation. Orientation of the teacher on prevention will help protect the rights of children and adolescents in school, to warn the most negative impacts of society.

Preventive vocational pedagogical activities of the teacher contribute to the cultivation of humanistic interpersonal relationships of students, creating of favourable psychological climate, to development of the most complete and holistic intellectual, emotional and volitional child, protection and promotion of moral, mental, and physical health.

We aim to convince students that preventive activity of teachers is focused not only on work with problem children. All students need professional prevention as the growing personality development and formation demand special attention and support. Prevention involves facilitation, psychological support and educational assistance.

Preventive attitude is a flexible position of an expert enabling teachers to maintain emotional stability, to avoid professional illusions. Both child and other subjects of the educational process (parents of students, colleagues) are included in the prevention environment.

One of the significant aspects of preventive activity is to form in a bachelor of education the aim to prevent errors in personal professional behaviour, occupational deformations and emotional burnout.

In order to identify potential opportunities for subjects that students study, the content of normative disciplines was analyzed including such disciplines as "Developmental Psychology", "Educational Psychology", "Social Psychology" and elective courses "Conflict studies", "Psychodiagnostics", "Innovations in Education" and others. Students' attention was focused on such aspects of the teacher’s preventive activity as children's aggressive behaviour, crises in child development, typology of conflicts in the educational process, conflict resolution methods, psychological security, inclusive education, usage of diagnostic results in the learning process The material revealing the specificity of the preventive work of the physical education teacher in the Tula region schools was additionally included in the content of normative disciplines.

The elective course "Problems of social, professional and personal adaptation of beginning teacher" plays a particular role in the development of preventive position of a future physical education teacher. We consider the propaedeutic special course as one of the possible means of support of university graduates to ensure their successful entering into the professional community. Even being rather well prepared for teaching activity personal and professional adaptation of graduates can proceed in a long and complex way. Beginning teachers experience difficulties in various aspects of organization of the educational process. Graduates of pedagogical university should act in a constantly changing environment, make decisions and take responsibility for themselves and their pupils. The goal of the elective course we developed is:

– to prevent the most common errors of pedagogical universities graduates;

– to give them the basic guidelines in complex teaching situations solving;

– to encourage their self-education work on the formation of competences;

– to contribute to the development of pedagogical thinking and humanistic value priorities of future bachelors of physical education.

Students find out in practice that it is possible to very effectively prevent common mistakes in behaviour and activities; they are developing confidence in their own experience. The subjective experience of students is an essential component for the development of future teachers’ purpose on prevention.

Due to the increasing number of problems associated with the regulation of school conflict situations and school violence, particular attention was paid to the development of future teachers’ conflict competence. Taking into account the courses "Social Psychology", "Educational and Developmental Psychology", "Conflict studies", we have included the study of the problem behaviour of the teacher of physical education in a complex teaching situation in the content of the elective course. In order to obtain a subjective behaviour experience by every student in conflict situations, games, design and training technologies have been used in the classroom, so the students could analyze the main approaches to the consideration of a variety of situations, take into account the specific characteristics of students of different age groups, their own capabilities, degree of educational technique mastering. It is important that when solving problems the teacher could put precise, specific, achievable goals. All material of the elective course aims to teach future teachers of physical education both operational and tactical goal setting.

Preparing lessons as well as interaction with parents is hard for physical education teachers. According to the conducted survey, more than 72% of graduates find themselves poorly prepared for this type of activity. Graduates say that before meeting with the students’ parents they feel confused, helpless, and diffident. They find it difficult to choose the tone of communication, to find convincing arguments, simulate the possible variants of parents’ behaviour, prevent conflict situations, involve the schoolchild’s family into collaboration to develop the child's personality. Especially many problems in the interaction of a beginning teacher with the family occur in inclusive schools, where healthy children and pupils with special educational needs study together. Therefore, the information dedicated to the specifics of inclusion, potential challenges and risks as well as psychological characteristics of parents having children with special educational needs were included in the content of the courses on educational and special psychology.

 Considerable attention was given to the problems of prevention of schoolchild’s deviant behaviour during physical education lessons that involves not only informing students of the deviancy mechanism but the analysis of various teachers’ behaviour models provoking or reducing children’s aggressiveness.

The effectiveness of preventive activity is largely determined by the fact how physical education teachers perceive and evaluate themselves in the profession. Positive self-concept of the teacher is the basis for the formation of his or her preventive position, for the perception of their teaching profession as a vocation. Teachers having high levels of self-esteem and aspirations are more focused on facilitation, on providing psychological and pedagogical support to pupils.

The development of the future teacher’s preventive position is also associated with the need to inform him of the essence, types, peculiarities of professional deformations, specifics of "emotional burnout syndrome." In the process of studying of general, age, educational and social psychologies as well as elective courses, students consider the deformation of personality as changes violating its integrity, reducing the effectiveness of occupational functioning. Professional deformations are understood as negative changes in the basic, invariant properties of the teacher's personality and activities. The personality and profession growing together leads to the dissonance between personality and its role: a person restricts his/her professional activities, feels insecure, uncomfortable; his/her behaviour is inadequate and contradictory. Students consider the four basic types of deformations, which can be observed in the personal characteristics of teachers: 1) general pedagogical; 2) typological; 3) specific; 4) individual.

General pedagogical deformations dominate in teachers of physical education: edification, high self-esteem, overconfidence, dogmatism, rigidity, inflexibility. Analysis of the main symptoms of the deformations enables the students to approach the teaching profession not only to better understand the teachers working in different types of educational institutions but also to control their own behaviour to a greater extent. The knowledge of personal features, potentiality, level of preparedness to self-control and self-regulation helps students see even insignificant deformations manifestations and confront their development.

Physical education teachers often transfer samples of their professional behaviour to their private life trying in all situations to preserve the "top" position implementing the "teacher's" role, instructing others, making high demands, evaluating their behaviour and actions. The teacher considers his/her behaviour as a standard, presents himself/herself as a bearer of truth causing irritation, alienation and aggression of others.

Professional burnout is a result of internal accumulation of negative emotions without proper "discharge" or "liberation" from them. From the point of view of the stress concept (H. Selye), professional burnout is a distress or the third stage of the general adaptation syndrome – a stage of exhaustion.

Professional burnout syndrome develops rather slowly, gradually, including three stages. The first stage includes muting of feelings and perception freshness, positive emotions disappearance, appearance of aloofness in relationships with family members, occurrence of a state of anxiety, frustration. The second stage is characterized by conflicts with students, colleagues, dismissive attitude towards various aspects of professional activity, temper tantrums, aggression. Such behaviour of a professional is an unconscious manifestation of his own feelings of self-preservation when communication which exceeds the safe level for the body. At the third stage, the ideas about life values change; here we can see indifference to everything, reduced self-esteem, helplessness, apathy, aggression, despair, and then loneliness. When communicating with students and colleagues, object-object relations dominate; emotional exhaustion and somatisation appear. It is fatigue, apathy, depression accompanying emotional burnout that lead to serious physical ailments.

Professional deformations are related to the formation of stereotypes: emotional, behavioural and cognitive, that contributes to teacher's rigid behaviour.

Students examine this phenomenon not only theoretically but they observe, question and test working teachers during their teaching practice by analyzing and interpreting the results. Professional burnout tests and professional deformation tests conducted by students during their teaching practice have shown the presence of typical symptoms in a considerable part of teachers. Students learnt that teacher-introverts, whose individual psychological characteristics do not correlate with the communicative characteristics of the profession, "burn out" especially quickly. Teachers in this group lack vitality, they are distinguished by modesty, shyness, sensitivity, isolation, high degree of concentration on the subject. Due to such characteristics, the teachers can accumulate emotional discomfort and fatigue.

The research of professional deformations is particularly significant for the hyper-responsible students who are characterized by a constant "fear of mistakes." Excessively diligent students are in a situation of continuous stress.

Targeted personal development of students in the educational process of a pedagogical university is another important direction of professional deformations prevention. Higher level of creativity, mobility and flexibility of a teacher means that he has more chance to avoid pedagogical stereotypes and patterns in the professional work. Particular attention is drawn to developing students' critical thinking, designing situations of polemics, dialogue, engaging students in the space of dispute.

Pedagogical practice plays a significant role in the development of the preventive position in bachelors of physical education. The tasks system of teaching practice also includes:

- enrichment, specification, systematization, implementation in the real educational process of professional knowledge;

- formation of interdisciplinary professional-pedagogical thinking elements in future teachers; development of professional and personal qualities (responsibility, independence, diligence, initiative, creativity, readiness to take decisions under situations of uncertainty);

- formation of the students’ purpose at preventing of injuries, deviancies, conflicts, and professional and personal deformations among pupils;

- organization of special activities aimed at directed, targeted self-development of students.

Anticipating typical errors of physical education teachers, we emphasized the diagnostic aspect of students training in the study of psychological disciplines (psychodiagnostics, developmenta; and educational psychology). Students performed tasks related to the diagnosis of condition and state of pupil's health during learning, defining the propensity for dependences, for conflicts, to the identification of cognitive capabilities, needs and interests of pupils.

When forming the preventive position of a bachelor of education, the reflexive competences of the graduate are also significant which we developed using special questions and targeted assignments: "What diagnostic techniques have you used, how did they help you? How were the diagnostics results introduced into the training process? Why is it important for a teacher to have a preventive position? Have you ever had situations in which you prevented conflict? Did you use the technology to create a situation of success when teaching? Have you used any self-regulation techniques? What are they? How did they help you? How did you develop the schoolchildren’s interest in physical education? In sport? In a healthy lifestyle? What did you do to prevent traumatic situations at classes? How did the technology of conflicts regulation help you as a teacher? Did you use it? In what cases and how effective it was?". In our view, the aim of these assignments is to emphasize the practical importance of the preventive position in the student’s mind.

Results and their discussion

The obtained initial results on the development of the preventive position of a bachelor in physical education indicate to some positive dynamics observed as a result of experimental work. An achievement tests set used shows that students have consciously learnt about the essence of teacher’s preventive attitude, the range of the prevention space. The importance of such prevention directions is proved by the prevention of school violence, conflict, school failure, injury, physical and mental overload among pupils, teacher’s professional deformations. Knowing conflicts types, school violence types, most traumatic physical exercises and sports equipment, signs of drug and alcohol addiction among schoolchildren students will be able to successfully implement preventive activities. Students also saw a real opportunity to prevent professional deformations. Thus, the cognitive component of the future teacher’s preparedness to implement preventive actions has been significantly enriched. Analysis of the students’ essays, conflict situations solutions interpretation, research results have showed that their emotional value attitude has changed toward prevention which is now regarded by students not only as a significant characteristic of the teacher's professional and pedagogical activity but also as an indicator of his/her professionalism.

According to the results of the modernized teaching practice, sustainable positive changes in the development of students' competences such as diagnostic, conflictological, planning, prognostic that is the basis of teacher’s preventive position have been identified. Students’ performing of research and designing assignments of teaching practice with a high degree of integrity has a positive influence on the development of flexibility, reflexivity, criticality and thinking of a future teacher. The personal experience of preventive activities students had obtained during the teaching practice stimulated the development of their purpose on prevention, formation of preparedness to prevent conflicts, deviations, injuries, physical and mental overloads, school violence. Future teachers are convinced of the need to provide assistance and support to each child. One of the consequences of the teaching practice was also an increase in self-esteem of the future teachers, their confidence in the correctness of their professional choice, in the future success in their professional self-actualization.

Conclusion. Analysis of the results gives cause for some professional optimism: the transformation of aim, content, technologies of studying psychological disciplines, better teaching performance creates conditions for the targeted development of the preventive position of a future physical education teacher.


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