On methodological approach to justify system to ensure integrated safety and security at sports venues



Professor, Psy.D., V. Myakon’kov
J. Shelyakova
Lesgaft National State University of physical culture, sport and health, St. Petersburg

Keywords: sports venue, certification of sports venue, integrated safety and security, system approach, sports and technological security.

 Due to active development of the sports facility network in the Russian Federation, attention being paid by public authorities to creation of the legal framework in the field of physical culture and sports and the need to comply with the technical regulation requirements while holding major international events in Russia, the issue of security while holding mass official events at sports venues has become the most debated in the professional community and mass media.
The security requirements for sports venues and facilities of different functional use have been determined by now. Being a high-risk facility, the sport facility attracts the attention due to a number of reasons:
- a great number of viewers during mass sports events and shows;
- highly emotional viewers and fans with deviant behavior at the venue;
- complex technological systems and equipment, which under certain circumstances can harm health of participants and spectators of sports events. 
Different concepts related to the safety of the sports venue are disclosed in the present regulatory documents. According to the approved in 2003 Russian national standard GOST Р 52025-2003 “Health and Fitness and Sports services. Consumer security demands”, service security is life-saving safety, propriety of the consumer and environment and also the security of the service rendering process [1].

The purpose of the research was to create the methodological basis for the development of integrated safety and security at sports venues.

Nevertheless, we believe that the methodological definition of security as a complex system is fully represented in the «Concept of National Security in the Russian Federation» affirmed by the President in 2013. This concept is defined as direct and indirect possibility to prejudice rights and freedom of the person and citizen, cultural and material wealth of society (3). In the same document the means of ensuring safety are highlighted that are defined as technologies and also as technical, program, linguistics, legal and regulative means including telecommunication channels and automated process control systems used to collect, form, process, transmit or receive information on the state of public safety and measures to strengthen it.

The common legal framework to ensure public safety, according to «The Concept of Public Security in the Russian Federation» is presented in:

  • the Constitution of the Russian Federation;  
  • the Rules and regulations of the international law;
  • International treaties of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal and Constitutional laws;
  • the Federal law dated 28 December 2010 №390-FL «On Safety» and other federal laws;
  • Normative legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the government of the Russian Federation;
  • The national security strategy in the Russian Federation up to 2012;
  • Normative legal acts of the Federal executive bodies;
  • Charters, laws and other normative legal acts of the State bodies of the Russian Federation

Among the normative acts in the field of physical culture and sport regulating security at sports venues one should highlight such document as the Russian national standard GOST Р 52025-2003 «Physical, Fitness and Sports services». Consumer security demands».  The following normative act can be seen as one of the elements of the system in the narrow area of it’s usage. «The Concept of National Security» involved all areas of social life including the area of physical culture and sport. According to all the mentioned above and other approaches to the security concept interpretation we can conclude on the complexity of the understanding of security at a sport venue. It involves different ways to ensure security - fire, informative, constructive, unauthorized entry prevention, anti-terrorist security and others.

Different laws have been developed to ensure compliance with different aspects of the system of the security complex in the Russian Federation. For example, fire safety is regulated by the Federal law № 123-FL 22.07.2008 "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements", information security – by the Federal law № 152- FL 27.07.2006 "On personal data"; constructive security – by the Federal law 29.12.2004 № 191-FL (ed. 23.07.2013) "On the introduction of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation" [6]; sanitary-epidemiological well-being - FL № 52-FL 30.05.1999 "On Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-being of the Population" [4]; ecological safety  - FL № 7-FL 10.11.2002 "On environmental protection".

The current legislation in the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sport -  the Federal law № 329-FL 04.12.2007 "On physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation" [7]  and the Federal law № 192-FL 23.07.2013 "On Amendments to Specific Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the provision of public order and public safety during official sports events" [8], undergo changes regarding security, but the concept itself remains undefined. The Federal law № 329-FL "On physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation" contains requirements (Article 37.1. All-Russian Register of Sports; introduced by the law 29.11.2010 N 321-FL) on the necessity of introducing Register of Sports, where the data can be put after presenting of appropriate package of supporting documents including security certificate.

It should be noted that the GOST R 55529-2013 "Sport venues. Security regulations during sports and athletic events. Test Methods" [2] adopted in 2014 doesn’t contain a definition of the concept "security of sports venues".

Hence, we suggest giving (as part of complex safety of sports venues) a new definition to "SPORTS AND TECHNOLOGICAL SECURITY OF SPORTS VENUES" as compliance of the venue with acting standards, regulations and rules of sports federations in different sports.

The definition "SPORTS AND TECHNOLOGICAL SECURITY OF SPORTS VENUES" is defined by the following criteria:

- structure of functional areas of sports venues (sports, auxiliary, technological, etc.);

- number and parameters of functional areas of sports venues (linear dimensions, configuration, interposition, etc.);

- observation of the principle of flows dilution for different client groups (athletes, officials, spectators, etc.)

- meeting the requirements for sports zones at the venue for sports being cultivated;

- sports zone facilities at the venues (availability of equipment and inventory, amount of equipment, safe installation of stationary and mobile equipment);

- compliance of the equipment level on the venue to the level of ongoing events.

Taking as a basis the specified system approach to ensure complex safety at sports venues and the formulated definition "SPORTS AND TECHNOLOGICAL SECURITY OF SPORTS VENUES", later on one can develop a regulation (national standard), which contains the eligibility criteria for sports venues to the technological safety requirements. This will help determine the degree of conformity of specific sports venue with technical regulations and rules imposed on them by the sports federations, becoming one of the basic documents for the certification of sports venues for the subsequent entry of data in the All-Russian registry of Sports venues.


  1. GOST R 52025-2003 "Uslugi fizkul'turno-ozdorovitel'nye i sportvnye. Trebovaniya bezopasnosti potrebiteley" (utv. Postanovleniem Gosstandarta RF ot 18.03.2003 № 81-st. (GOST R (All-Union State standard) Р 52025-2003 Fitness and sports services. Consumer safety requirements "(appr. by RF State Standard Resolution18.03.2003 № 81-art.) // URL: www.consultant.ruURL:http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=EXP;n=350781(Accessed: 10 September 2013).
  2. GOST R 55529-2013 "Trebovaniya bezopasnosti pri provedenii sportivnykh i fizkul'turnykh meropriyatiy. Metody ispytaniy" (GOST R (All-Union State standard) "Sports objects. Safety requirements during sports and physical activities. Test methods.", URL: http://gostexpert.ru/gost/gost-55529-2013 (Accessed: 9 October 2014).
  3. Kontseptsiya obshchestvennoy bezopasnosti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii (utv. Prezidentom RF)(The concept of public security in the Russian Federation" (approved by the. President of the Russian Federation) [electronic resource] // Official site of the President of Russia. URL: http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/19653 (Accessed: 25 November 2013).
  4. Federal'ny zakon ot 30.05.1999 № 52-FZ "O sanitarno-epidemiologicheskom blagopoluchii naseleniya" (Federal Law 30.05.1999 № 52-FL "On sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population"), URL: http://ozpp.ru/zknd/sani/ (Accessed: 25 November 2013).
  5. Federal'ny zakon ot 10.11.2002 № 7-FZ "Ob okhrane okruzhayuschey sredy" (Federal Law 10.11.2002 № 7-FL "On Environmental Protection") URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_148759/(Accessed: 25 November 2013).
  6. Federal'ny zakon ot 29.12.2004 № 191-FZ (ed. 23.07.2013) "O vvedenii v deystvie Gradostrotel'nogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii" (Federal Law "On the introduction of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation"), URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_150010/?frame=3 (Accessed: 25 November 2013).
  7. Federal'ny zakon ot 04.12.2007 № 329-FZ " O fizicheskoy kul'ture i sporte v Rossiyskoy Federatsii" (Federal Law 04.12.2007 № 329-FL "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation".
  8. Federal'ny zakon ot 23.07.2013 №192-FZ "O vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii v svyazi d obespecheniem obshchestvennogo poryadka i obshchestvennoy bezopasnosti pri provedenii ofitsial'nykh sportivnykh sorevnovaniy" (Federal Law 23.07.2013 №192-FL "On Amendments to Specific Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the provision of public order and public safety during official sports events".