Increasing professional readiness in medical students based on sportized approach
P.V. Borodin2, V.G. Tyutyukov1, 3
1 Dr.Hab., professor
2 Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk
3 Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk
Psychomotor actions are inevitably found in many different kinds of human activity, including the one that is associated with professional activity. The high level of psychomotor capacities ensures success of an individual in a variety of professional life situations. The facts in the present paper are focused on the fact that the implementation of the psychomotor development of higher medical students based on the introduction of specially selected sports training sets (based on a range of methods and techniques of training of wrestlers), performed at academic physical education classes, can enhance their professional readiness. The article present paper contains the data of the analysis of psychomotor indices of students of a medical university in the course of an educational experiment.
Keywords: medical students, sportization of physical education, psychomotor actions, psychomotor abilities, professional readiness.
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