Elements of orienteering to be applied in general education subjects for development of cognitive processes of elementary pupils
V.A. Rodionov1, 4, V.P. Druzhinin 2, 5, E.A. Selishcheva 3, 6
1 Dr.Hab.
2 Ph.D., Master of Sports of the USSR
3 Ph.D.
4 Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
5 Secondary School № 709, Moscow
6 NGO "School "Premier”
The purpose of the present research was to study the development of cognitive processes of elementary pupils at lessons with elements of orienteering.
The authors examine the possibility of applying the elements of orienteering in the study of general subjects within the third lesson of physical education at elementary school. In addition to the focus on the development of cognitive processes in elementary pupils, the proposed method contributes to instilling in them the interest in motor activity, sport.
Experimental research suggests that elements of orienteering used at classes in the elementary school contribute to the development of pupils' cognitive processes (memory, attention).
Expert survey of teachers and pupils revealed a pronounced interest in orienteering, in particular, the increase in the interest in doing sports in general.
Keywords: elementary school, cognitive processes, orienteering, third lesson of physical education, e-mark.
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