SCATT shooting simulator in biathlon training process



Associate professor, Ph.D. S.N. Zvereva
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Dr.Hab., professor I.G. Gibadullin
Izhevsk state university named after M.T. Kalashnikov, Izhevsk

Keywords: biathlon training techniques and methods, SCATT shooting simulator, shooting exercises.

Introduction. Development and further search of new and better techniques and methods to increase the effectiveness of competitive activity in biathlon are the most important tasks of sport science.

Biathlon is a cross country ski race with shooting. The end result in biathlon is known to be made up of the time spent skiing, shooting and time penalty obtained for inaccurate shooting.

Weapons training in biathlon is based on the general technical principles used in other shooting sports. However, it has its own specific features, namely firing after intensive cross-country skiing having high blood pressure and high emotional arousal [3, 4].

Given the poorly studied issues related to the optimal ratio of biathlon components and their contribution to sport and technical result, we have attempted to outline some approaches to improving biathlon weapon training using technical means and special shooting exercises. Subsequently, on this basis one can objectify planning and make operational and differentiated adjustments to the training process of biathletes [1].

The "SCATT" shooting simulator is the most widely used in shooting sport and biathlon in Russia. It is used for a quantitative analysis of shooting performance, which is displayed better and in more detail.

The purpose of the study was to substantiate the features and peculiarities of the biathletes shooting training in the use of the shooting simulator "SCATT".

Materials and methods. In the course of the research a 15% increase in the dummy training was expected via special shooting exercises on the "SCATT" shooting simulator as well as the identification and correction of errors in shooting [2].

A group of experts was created who registered all the typical mistakes of the biathletes. There were identified errors made in the autumn, summer and spring training periods. In addition, an expert analysis of typical technical and tactical errors of biathletes was carried out according to 16 points.

The training process was carried out according to the conventional training program using the "SCATT" shooting simulator and special shooting exercises:

1. Shooting from prone and standing positions without time limit, at rest, using the "SCATT" shooting simulator, the result is recorded in points.

2. Shooting from prone and standing positions against the clock (60 second limit) using the "SCATT" shooting simulator, the result is recorded in points.

3. Shooting in a competitive mode according to the "SCATT" settings. There was determined the average shooting result (in points), the time spent and the number of bad shots made by biathletes.

Control tests were implemented while shooting from prone and standing positions with the time limit of 60 seconds; shooting without the time limit and competitive shooting mode according to the "SCATT" settings.

Results and discussion. The analysis revealed an insignificant increase of accurate shots when shooting at rest (without time limit). At the beginning of the study (autumn period), the average score was 74.75 points in shooting from a prone position, and 56.6 points - from a standing position; at the end of the study a positive dynamics of the results was observed: 86.75 points in the prone position and 65.43 points from the standing position.

Dynamics of the shooting results (with limited time) showed that the average result in the autumn period was 68.4 points in the prone position, 52.1 points from the standing position, in the summer period - 73.6 and 56.1 points accordingly; in the spring period a significant increase was noted: the average result was 77.1 and 59.1 points in the prone and standing positions respectively; in general, the changes amounted to 8.7 points in the prone position and 7 points from the standing position (р<0,05).

The most common errors in the first stage of the study were: shots fired right after bad shots; the shooting rate not maintained properly; little focus on shooting; wrong point of support of the left elbow.

In the spring stage of the pedagogical observation the following errors can be noted: athletes do not keep pace in the firing rate; strongly press the cheek against the rifle butt.

While solving the task of analyzing shooting skills we have also proved the effectiveness of the following means and methods: dummy training on "SCATT", common mistakes reviewing and analysis; a 15% increase of the shooting preparedness time.

Based on the foregoing the following can be recommended: for the purpose of training and improvement of biathletes' shooting techniques along with traditional means of training it is also appropriate to use technical means, in particular, the "SCATT" shooting simulator combined with shooting exercises. This has a positive effect on and contributes to the effectiveness of shooting in junior as well as skilled biathletes.

Conclusion. Having analyzed the shooting preparedness, we have proved the necessity and importance of the use of dummy training using the "SCATT" shooting simulator. On this basis its usage leads to more qualitative improvement of shooting skills, eliminating errors, and, given the mobility in its use, makes it possible to conduct training sessions in all conditions. The effectiveness of shooting according to the control tests, has a direct relationship with the use of the "SCATT" complex in training and competitive activity.


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