Training consistency of technical and tactical actions of hockey players aged 11-13 years according to situational approach



Ph.D. V.V. Kozin
Postgraduate student A.V. Zykov
Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Omsk

Keywords: technique, tactics, training, situational approach.

Abstract. Organization of the process of technical and tactical training in view of the principles of the situational approach helps arrange training of consistency of game actions of hockey players aged 11-13 years with the identification of specific spatial and functional play conditions. This approach reveals the prospects for further research in the field of simulation of complex systems, which include play competitive activity of athletes.

Introduction. Proceeding from the analysis of the theoretical and methodological literature, the technique and tactics of the game of hockey in most cases are considered from the standpoint of differentiation. As a result, technical and tactical parts of the training process of hockey players are implemented individually [5, 7].

This approach leads to pronounced stereotyping of play competitive activity of hockey players and exacerbates the problem of using of non-linear classifications of technique and tactics of the game in the theory and practice. As a result, in competitive conditions actions with the "standard" motor structure that athletes perform are less efficient due to their probabilistic forecasting [1, 2]. Athletes are trying to solve different game situations the same way, or wait until situations will correspond to the actions which they are used to apply. The given stereotypes are cultivated in athletes at the early stages of training.

At the same time, the approach to training of hockey players via typing of competitive situations has not yet been properly developed, since it ignores many game categories and typing principles [5]. As a consequence, the study of some typical situations is ineffective for the players because of the lack of the correlation between them, the complexity of the transformation and consistency of game actions. In this case, the discrepancy of situational game models in the athlete's mind and the actions being taken in the extreme competitive conditions leads to a mismatch [2].

In individual studies they stress the importance of using the situational approach when solving the tasks related with performance in extreme situations [3, 4, 6]. This approach discloses play competitive activity and the detected variables of a specific situation, as well as provides for analyzing actions and decision-making using simulation modeling, which is significant for analyzing and planning technical and tactical training of team athletes. However, despite its marked contextuality, in the theory and practice of hockey the situational approach is not employed at all or used in a roundabout way. To some extent this makes it impossible to detect the key characteristics of different play conditions, their typification and further correlation while developing specialized exercises when training technical and tactical actions of young hockey players.

In our opinion, consideration of correlation between game situations is essential to training consistency of technical and tactical actions of hockey players, especially at early stages, and requires substantiation of occurrence, development and transformation of game situations based on the situational approach. For this reason, technical and tactical training of young hockey players with due regard to dynamic situations is a topical problem.

The purpose of the study was to single out and adapt the principles of the situational approach to specific training of consistency of technical and tactical actions of hockey players aged 11-13 years.

Materials and methods. The study was carried out over the 2012 to 2014 period at the premises of NPOSC "Avangard", Omsk. We analyzed the theoretical and methodological literature, made a synthesis of the information. Registration and videoanalysis of training and competitive activities was made using a wide-angle camera. We conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis of athletes' activity by its meaningful characteristics, studied the specific aspects of the educational and training process.

Results and discussion. In the theoretical and methodological literature game situation is treated as an element of competitions, which is modifying fast without reference to the preceding or succeeding game situations, that predetermine successful solution of technical and tactical tasks by an athlete in many ways [4, 5]. Moreover, in most cases, this situation is characterized by players' location on the ground, which does not reveal the game situation to the full, just some of its aspects.

Change of situation serves as subjective perception in athlete's consciousness, which implies going beyond the boundaries of one situation, predetermined by the subject of activity, and passing into another [4]. A set of dynamic play conditions, as well as performance of primary and secondary players, set the situational boundaries and contribute to their transformation.

Registration and analysis of training and competitive activities helped us find out that specific game situations occurred repeatedly at the same sectors of playing court. In this view, we assumed that studying of the game pattern at different sections of playing space would enable us to detect the most common technical and tactical tasks and actions of players, as well as determine the dynamic characteristics of play conditions. This will help develop the methodology based on the elaboration of the directions in solution of game tasks and, consequently, management of game competitive activity of athletes with due regard to the principles of the approach. As a result, we will determine interdependence of the play court sections, formation of a unified composition of game situations in athletes' consciousness and corresponding consistency of their technical and tactical actions.

Irrespective of the regularities of play competitive activity, in practice most trainers teach athletes the technique and tactics of the game using the analytical approach. They describe the approach characteristics in detail, can explain the correlation of actions. As a result, players can ice skate, possess a bandy, and effectively realize particular situations in training conditions, but in real game they are often unable to solve a game situation or complete intermediate technical and tactical tasks.

This is due to the indirect, unsystematized use of the elements of the situational approach in the process of training, which lies in the attempt to theoretically formulate, empirically test and then practically recommend different generic solutions to each generic situation from the formulated set. This approach enables us to successfully form subject's knowledge in some problem areas [8]. By most characteristics it is these areas that include a game situation and technical and tactical activity of hockey players.

Training motor actions in junior team sport athletes from the perspective of the situational approach is based on the ratio of situational and motor models, expressing interdependence between play conditions and parameters of activity, which are supported by the stochastic model. Owing to considering the situational variability of the game and opponents' counteraction technical and tactical actions can be analyzed in a consistent manner through cause-effect relationships [3].

In view of the specific character of the study of training and competitive activities of hockey players from training groups, and real-life experience in particular, we determined and adapted the specific principles of the situational approach: applicability to the linear and non-linear categories and classifications of technique and tactics of the game; characteristic of the borderlines between play conditions of one and the same situation, when there exist any or zero qualitative and quantitative differences; consideration of the role of the whole of external and internal situations affecting technical and tactical tasks and actions, their realization; applicability to the result of two or more interacting game situations, which conditions associate in a random way, yet without creating any new situations or with creating a transitional game situation.

We assume that if we take into account the presented principles of the situational approach to training technical and tactical actions, we will be able to obtain new scientific data on the consistency of technical and tactical actions of hockey players aged 11-13 years in dynamic game situations, and develop and substantiate the situational exercise sequence aimed at formation of orientation and motor components in athletes.  

Conclusion. The benefit of the situational approach when solving the tasks of technical and tactical training of hockey players aged 11-13 years is in its integrity. Owing to this approach spatial and functional play conditions promoting enhancement of training consistency of technical and tactical actions of hockey players aged 11-13 years are typified. Among them are: number of players participating in the game situation; team quality; nature of interactions and counteractions of players; objectivity in decision-making; unity of variety of action alternatives; "right" and "wrong" choices; dependent and independent transformations of play conditions, etc.

Analysis of the peculiarities of hockey and determination of the specific spatial and functional conditions open prospects for further studies in the sphere of simulation modeling of complex systems, with which competitive activity of hockey players can be included. This will greatly contribute to development of the methodology of training technical and tactical actions of hockey players aged 11-13 years in dynamic situations of the game, based on stage-by-stage progression, including individual, group and team consistency.


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