Optimization of Ratio of Number of Children’s and Youth Sports Institutions in Management of Educational and Physical Culture and Sports Industries


A.Yu. Bliznevsky, professor, Ph.D., Honored trainer of Russia
Siberian federal university, Krasnoyarsk
V.S. Bliznevskaya, professor, Dr.Hab., Honored trainer of Russia
Academy of winter sports of Ministry of sport, tourism and youth policy of the Krasnoyarsk territory, Krasnoyarsk

Key words: children and youth sport, physical culture and sports industry, post-secondary educational institutions for children, subordination.
The purpose of the study was to trace the reasons, stimuli and potential advantages of transition in the Krasnoyarsk territory.
The statistical analysis of the work of governmental and municipal institutions of post-secondary education in the field of physical culture and sports for children for 2008-2009 and their material and sports facilities and regional legislation on development of children and youth sport in the territory using the comparative-analytical method indicate to strengths and weaknesses of work of the quoted establishments every department.
Proceeding from the analysis of the results of development of the territorial system of children’s sport school, their activity, regardless of subordination, facilitates introducing children into the values of physical culture, involving them in regular classes of selected sport. But, as for institutions, subordinates in education, it is not always efficient in training reserve for elite sport. Here sports institutions, subordinated to regional authorities in physical culture and sport are more perspective.
On the other hand, some issues of the children and youth sport need more flexible sociopedagogical regulation. The negative aspects of activity of specialized children's sports schools of Olympic reserve, subordinated to authorities in physical culture and sport, frequently refer to the too early sports specialization, forcing of sports training even to the detriment of health and standard developmental age of children.


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