Calculation of Effective Height of Plyometric Platform
K.G. Gabrielyan, associate professor, Ph.D.
B.V. Ermolaev, professor, Dr. Biol.
V.S. Chernomyrdin Moscow state open university, Moscow
Key words: plyometry, hopping on and off platform, specific power, polynomial approximation, power function maximum.
Pyometry, based on the muscle strain reflex, providing for the recruitment phenomenon and synchronization of an extra number of motor units, is a specific mediator between the speed and strength trainings.
Power represents a natural indicator of the suggested physical exercise and an integrating the indices of "strength" and "time" of performance of an exercise.
The purpose of the study was to design the method of design the way of estimation of the optimum height of the platform to optimize training process involving plyometric exercises.
The algorithm of estimation of platform height had been designed where the series of tempo hops on and off the platform are maximum. The methodology, based on positioning the peak of the proved by Yu.V. Verkhoshansky force parabola is very simple (needing only a platform with adjustable height and stopwatch to realize it). This simplicity makes for the complicacies of recording the unregulated squat depth when hopping on and off and doing swings with arms, especially at ultimate (for the subject) platform heights.
The calculations approved the approach to the optimization of the training process in the area of limitation of locomotor overloads (and traumatism respectively), which are inevitable phenomena of the concomitant plyometric exercises.
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