Adaptabilities of Young Cyclists Aged 10-14 Years Old


A.A. Pseunok, professor, Dr.Biol.
M.P. Abramovich, Ph.D.
M.A. Mugotlev, Ph.D.
Adygei state university, Maikop

Key words: heart rate, cardiorespiratory system, training loadings, adaptive mechanisms, central, adaptive mechanisms, central outline of regulation, ontogenesis, tension index, electrolytic balance.
The positive influence of physical trainings on the body in general and on cardiorespiratory system in particular is commonly known and most of researchers claim that such classes increase the level of fitness shape and body’s nonspecific resistance. It facilitates more effective adaptation to environmental conditions, some of which turn into training and competitive loadings for athletes.
The purpose of the study was to reveal the character and trend of adaptation of cardiorespiratory system and somatic development of 10-14-year-old schoolchildren influenced by training loadings.
The data obtained in the integrated longitudinal study testifies to the correlation of the effect of classes of road racing on a schoolchild’s body and age, fitness and character of training process.
Thus, adaptation of young athletes to different training modes presupposes complex adaptive relationship displayed in the diversity of response to given loading in respect to age, trend of training process and individual differences.


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