Teaching Humane Treatment among Students at Physical Education Classes as One of Conditions of Personality Self-Development


A.A. Opletin, associate professor, Ph.D.
Perm national research polytechnic university, Perm

Key words: teaching capacities, physical culture, humanism, classes, self-development, personality.
The purpose of the study was to reveal the educational capacities of physical culture (PC) in training humane treatment during university classes aimed at purposeful students’ personality self-development.
Hence, the specific terms and conditions for training humane treatment in students’ environment at physical education classes are being laid at the methodological level, which, undoubtedly, contributes to personality self-development. But forms, methods, means and techniques of training students’ humane treatment are better revealed at the technological (applied) level.
The elements of humanistically centered training system fit the structure of PE classes best: more attention to students’ play activity; students’ activity and social rehabilitation, capacity of introducing to classes various games and exercises; the use of appraisal plan to consolidate students’ positive experience, creation of the emotionally favorable atmosphere, based on mutual help and confidential relations between a teacher and a student, various technologies of personality-centered education. Hence, educational capacities of PC in training humane personality treatment are some of conditions of its development, self-development, perfection, useful in keeping a personality healthy and forming a man of culture. The humanistic orientation activates the mechanisms of self-implementation, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, survival in the community undergoing changes.


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