Technology of Use of Martial Arts at Classes with 5-6 Year Olds
S.A. Litvinov
associate professor, Ph.D., Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
Key words: preschool children, karate elements, respiratory exercises, outdoor games, functional state, physical fitness.
The relevance of this study is stipulated by the significant interest in martial arts classes among 5-6 year olds same as their parents. Nowadays, children live and develop in the new era of information technologies. The times themselves claims for different approaches to teaching of pre-school and primary schoolchildren - the transition from traditional teaching methods aimed at acquiring narrow specific knowledge and skills to the most perspective today developing education. Only in case of developing education the conditions for development of child's activity, independence, creative transformative thinking are being created, since children with a high intelligence level and creativity are more self-confident, learn better and feel better in the society.
The current complex socio-economic changes in our country, hypodynamia, unbalanced diet, stress and some other factors along with negative environmental changes have provoked the deterioration of people's health.
The purpose of the study was to reveal the effect from the means of martial arts on the increase of motor fitness, enhancement of external respiratory functions and physical development of 5-6 year olds.
The carried out studies reveal the real possibility and direct usefulness of applying karate elements combined with playing and breathing exercises to improve the fitness level and the morphofunctional state of the body in the institutions of extended education for children in the socioeducational area. These classes can also be included in the content of lessons on physical education of senior preschool children.
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