The Peculiarities of Influence of Involvement in Sports Sessions on Social Relations of Girls and Boys within Early Professionalization
E.A. Parkhomenko
associate professor, Ph.D., Kuban state university of physical culture, sport and tourism, Krasnodar.
Key words: girls, boys, sports activity, social relations.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect from involvement in sports occupations, gender and age, as well as the mutual influence of these factors on the indicators of social relations of girls and boys involved and not involved in sports.
The early involvement in sports perfection does not disturb the normal course of mental development, but affects it in a specific way: 1) the girls refocus on the relationships with coevals earlier than boys. In this case, this tendency is more remarkable among female athletes rather than their coevals who are not engaged in sports. This must be due to the fact that girls have a specific for adolescence refocusing on the coevals as significant others as they spend a lot of time with team friends, 2) the increasing role of the family marked among boys and young men involved in sports, as opposed to their coevals not engaged in sports. This is due to the fact that, firstly, strenuous sports sessions change the system of relations at school (university), in a family and with coevals in everyday life and, secondly, the major role in sport of the "competition" and "success" factors that complicate the relationship with teammates. The girls involved in sports have this dynamics somewhat smoothed. It is probably owing to the different role of the motives of achievement and affiliation for women and men. The girls’ love to chat apparently smoothes the severity of competition and reduces the need for family support. 3) trainer is getting more important in the life of male and female athletes, who joined elite sport along with the unconditional importance of family as a significant companion. Perhaps, it is associated with the fact that contest and severity of competition, increasing with the growth of athletes’ skills stipulate for the need for psychological support that athletes can find both in the family and from their trainer.
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