Modeling of Individual Educational Trajectory of University Students Based on Competence Building Approach


A.A. Gladyshev, E.I. Mitrofanov
A.A. Kletneva
associate professor, Ph.D.
Nizhnevartovsk state university, Nizhnevartovsk

Key words: individual educational trajectory, competency building approach, professional competences, construction algorithm, modeling of methodological support of educational process, educational moduli, competence indicators.
The conversion to the competency building approach in education stipulated for the necessity to both design a construction algorithm of individual educational trajectory of students based on the competency building approach and the necessity to change to new models of methodological support of the educational process in respect to the trend of the sphere of professional interests.
The purpose of the study was to design a construction algorithm of individual educational trajectory of students and reveal the content of the components of this algorithm.
The most optimal is such an action sequence that provides for formation of the required level of competences during studies: definition of important problems - allocation of required skills to solve them – stipulation of competences needed to solve this type of tasks - choosing corresponding content - design of teaching methods – development of evaluation system. This sequence was specified in view of the author's and additional researches and lay the basis of the designed construction algorithm of individual educational trajectory of students.


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