Adaptive Judo: Opportunities and Perspectives of Implementation of Program for Judokas with Musculo-Skeletal Disorders


N.I. Nikolaeva
associate professor, Ph.D.
Moscow city teachers' university (MCTU), Moscow.

Key words: standards, content of education, vocational activity, variative constituent, Bologna process.
Standardization of educational activity is a condition of competitiveness of educational institutions. In Russia with the adoption of the law of the RF "On education" state educational standards guarantee the quality of education. Their main goal is to provide the stable common educational environment and real management of the whole system of continuous education in the country. State educational standard virtually unifies one aspect of educational activity which is the content of education.
The purpose of the study was to define scientific approaches to planning of the content of professional education via the comparative analysis of state educational standards of higher professional education in the specialization "Physical culture" of three generations.
The ideology of planning of the content of professional physical education, first of all, depends on the state of the industry "Physical culture and sport". The ideology of manpower resources and the concept of planning of the content of professional physical education should be designed as constructive and developing. The manpower resources of the industry are to meet the levels and profiles of professional education. The content of professional education should reveal the combination of types of activity and functions of subjects of activity of the sphere of physical culture and sport in compliance with the specialization of training.


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