Testing of Planning System of Training Load in Athleticism for Beginners


D.Yu. Tarakhovsky
research assistant
Scientific research institute of information technologies of Moscow state academy of physical culture (SRIIT MSAPhC), Malakhovka, the Moscow region

Key words: athleticism, bodybuilding, fitness, expert system, educational experiment.
The subject area intended to improve planning of training loading in different sports has been developed for several years in the scientific research institute of information technologies of Moscow state academy of physical culture. Since 2000 till present the system of planning of training loading in athleticism is being designed for beginners.
The purpose of the study was experimental validation of efficiency of the system of planning of training loading in athleticism for beginners.
The automated the system of planning of training loading was published in the internet and introduced into the educational process of MSAPhC.
The knowledge and information used in the system of planning of training loading in athleticism for beginners are characterized by completeness and consistency, which means that it can be used to make a schedule of trainings without using extra data and knowledge, but only the information on the engaged one requested by the system.
Training programs designed using the expert system "Athleticism" conform to the fitness level of the involved ones since those engaged performed the full program, their results in control exercises improved and the general state remained good.
The programs applied in the training process of the experimental group have a significant training effect compared with the programs that were used when training athletes in the control group.


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