Estimation of Psychological Vulnerability of Athletes of Different Specializations
T.M. Bruk
professor, Dr.Biol.
A.V. Shukaeva
associate professor, Ph.D.
J.V. Kondrashova
Smolensk state academy of physical culture, sport and tourism, Smolensk
Key words: sport, psychological vulnerability, primary prevention of drug addiction.
Development and use of various methods of prevention of drug addiction is among the primary tasks in the region. Here the special place belongs to preventive measures, which notoriously include several directions.
In order to use means of physical culture and sport effectively in prevention of drug addiction, a competent approach is required to solution of the number of existing problems, as some students are psychologically vulnerable to abuse of muscle pills, alcohol and drugs.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the psychological vulnerability of athletes of different specializations to psychoactive substances.
Students of the control group and wrestlers were proved to be most vulnerable to abuse of psychoactive substances. Students engaged in football and hockey have a firm negative attitude to abuse of psychoactive substances. Consequently, these sports can be recommended as effective means of primary prevention of bad habits.
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