Visual Memory Correction in Mentally Retarded Children via Physical Culture
E.A. Letova, postgraduate.
L.A. Semenov, professor, Dr.Hab.
Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut
Key words: physical culture, fitness aerobics, correction, visual memory, mental retardation, children.
Memory as one of the components of cognitive activity is a part of the processes of reflection of the external world in human consciousness, manifested in the ability to perceive, store and reproduce any information. It is generally known, that there are auditory, visual, verbal-logical, motor, vestibular types of memory. Among these types visual memory is of special importance for a child, which is responsible for the preservation and reproduction of visual images and conditions effective attention and thinking.
Development of visual memory and on its basis abilities to intuitive perception is good for child's studies and formation of his creative thinking
The purpose of the study was to reveal the capacities of using means of physical culture in correction of visual memory of mentally retarded children.
The results of this study along with the results of other studies prove the need for targeted correction of visual memory in mentally retarded children.
Physical exercises from classic aerobics, which development is closely related with the active memorization and recalling may be among the most effective methods used in the implementation of the visual memory correction in mentally retarded children.
The experimental study consisting in holding aerobic classes with mentally retarded children, which technique corresponded to the general requirements of correction and developing education, has shown a significant improvement in visual memory in mentally retarded children.
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