Principles, forms, methods and Technologies of Model of Formation of Leadership Qualities of Students of Institute of Physical Culture during Vocational Training
S.O. Bulgarevich
R.K. Bikmukhametov
associate professor, Dr.Hab.
Volga state academy of physical culture, sport and tourism, Kazan
Key words: leadership qualities, model, administration, physical education, vocational training, competency.
The unity and interrelation of all components of identity formation of a future teacher-leader can provide for him successful leadership activity in teaching, training and development of students.
The purpose of the study was to design a theoretical model of formation of leadership qualities of students of an institute of physical culture in professional activity.
The use of this technology in the process of training of students of an institute of physical culture means that they deliberately take the responsibility for themselves, "try" the leadership role. In their free from classes time students of this university, engaged in various sports, can hold profiled sections and study groups. This will enable them not only to strengthen their own knowledge and skills, but also learn to take the responsibility for the work of others, to plan their development, predict results, which is extremely essential for a leader.
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