Formation of the Content of Vocational Training (Specialization – «Physical Culture»)



N.I. Nikolaeva
associate professor, Ph.D.
Moscow City Teachers' Training University, Moscow

Key words: curriculum, content of vocational training, customer, consumer, goals of education
The approach to the formation of vocational training in accordance with the graduate's educational level of education: effective, adaptive, fact finding on the basis of his preferential training standard - is represented in the works of V.I. Maslov and N.N. Zvolinskaya.
In the modern conditions approaches to the formation of professional education have changed.
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the problems of the formation of vocational training at the level of curricula in the sphere of physical culture and sport, based on the educational standards.
In the authors' opinion, the curriculum 2012 of Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism in the specialization 034300 - "Physical Culture" in accordance with FSES HPE is more suitable for the training a physical education teacher, rather than a sports trainer.
That is, firstly, due to a lot of classes, aimed at studies of different sports (basic kinds, kinds that are included in the profile training, selective, etc.) - over 20 sports - 29.6%.
Another reason is the lack of the list of disciplines aimed at special bachelor's training.
And one more reason is the disparity of the educational content (curriculum) and innovative approaches: personality-centered, competence, modular-competence based, in accordance with the functions and activities of a sports trainer.


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