Pedagogical Aspect of Estimation of Task Performance of Technical University Students



V.V. Ponomarev
professor, Dr.Hab.
Siberian state technological university, Krasnoyarsk
E.M. Dvorkina
A.A. Khristolyubova
senior lecturer
Krasnoyarsk state medical university named after professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky, Krasnoyarsk

Key words: task performance, students, express questionnaire, criteria.
The purpose of the study was to develop an express questionnaire for subjective assessment of task performance of university students within an academic year.
For quick and correct assessment of the task performance of students in the annual cycle we have developed a rapid assessment that includes the following criteria: sustainable desire to learn, active educational work, reduced task performance during an academic day, in a week-long educational cycle, subjective feelings of task performance at the end of the winter semester, the same relative to subjective feelings at the end of an academic year, grade point average based on the results of the winter session, same for the results of the spring session, normal sleep, motor activity, cold during an academic year.


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