Influence of Search Activity on Formation of Running Technique in Senior Preschool Children



E.V. Sukhanova
Perm state humanitarian-pedagogical university, Perm

Key words: developing education, search activity, running technique, running technique evaluation criteria, exercises to master running technical elements, estimation, self-assessment of running technique, level of running technical skills.
Preschool education is the first unit in the entire educational system. One of the goals of preschool education is to ensure continuity between preschool and primary school education. Due to the fact that the preservation of continuity and integrity of the educational environment is among the crucial priorities of the development of education in Russia, a new system of preschool education is being formed in society, which must conform to the principles of developmental education and focus on the development of cognitive interests of children.
The need for search relates to human basal needs. But man is born only with prerequisites for exploratory behavior, which can be promoted in the process of individual development, but can be crushed in the bud. The development of creative abilities is impossible without search activity. Spontaneous manifestation of creative abilities is observed in a limited number of people and is based on favorable natural inclinations.
The purpose of the present study was to reveal the influence of search activity on the formation of the technique of motor action.
Proceeding from our experiment, the running technique based on the formation of self-control and self-evaluation of its elements is developed more successfully if the learning process is conducted within search activity.


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