Mastering Scooter Driving Skills in Children and Teenagers as a Way of Road Safety Improvement



D.E. Ivliev
T.N. Igushina
Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPhC), Moscow

Key words: child road accidents, model of scooter driver training, distance, promotion of safety in management of technology.
Nowadays the Russian Federation significantly stands out among economically developed countries in terms of child road accidents, and child road accidents are the leading cause of death in the age group from 10 to 24 years. Fatalities per unit of vehicles are 3-5 times higher than those in foreign countries. Fatalities per 100 thousand of population are 1.5-2 times higher than in the countries with a highly developed road transport system. An especially unfavorable situation is with the severity of the consequences of road accidents, which is 3-10 times higher than in developed countries. Proceeding from the statistical data of the STSI HQ, there is an annual steady growth in the accidents involving scooter drivers of the examined age group. Based on the available data we can assume that in the next few years the current trend will continue, unless the measures are taken to prevent injuries among scooter drivers.
The purpose of the present study was to develop a modern model of training young scooter drivers, based on the accident preventive training, developed on the basis of the department of theory and methodology of applied sports and extreme activities of State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture.


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