Peculiarities of Competency Building Approach to Physical Education of Pupils with Health Deviations



G.B. Glazkova, postgraduate
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Key words: physical education, pupils with health deviations, competency building approach, key sport and educational competences, competency, courseware, diagnostics.
Pupils with various nosologies are in more unfavorable situation rather than their coevals, as having poor health, it is much harder for them to socialize in the society and adapt to rapidly changing living conditions.
It is much harder for teachers working with this category of schoolchildren to achieve their educational goals aimed, according to the requirements of the new federal state educational standard, at the formation of children's sports and fitness competencies, defined by training and development of their personal health forming qualities and skills displayed in activities. The purpose of the present study was to develop the conceptual bases of the competency building approach to physical education of schoolchildren with health deviations.
One of the great difficulties in applying the competency building approach in school physical education is weak courseware of control and monitoring of the level of formation in pupils. Modifying the content of the educational process on physical education of schoolchildren with health deviations via the competency building approach, we form in this category of pupils such key competencies that will enable them to work effectively in the future personal and social life, correcting and strengthening their own health.


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