Integrative Potential of Planning Physical Education Lesson and Problems of Its Implementation within Practical Training



V.P. Kopaev, associate professor, Ph.D.
Velikie Luki state academy of physical culture and sport, Velikie Luki

Key words: integrative potential of planning, lesson summary, integrative construct, practical training, diagnostics, quality of training of physical education personnel.
In the context of physical education planning is a kind of administrative activity, logically formalized and materialized, associated with the optimal definition of goals, objectives, means, methods, forms, parameters of loads, organization and other components needed to achieve the expected result. It is an integral function of a teacher and a beginning of any rationally organized educational process. Higher educational level of a specialist promotes more quality planning, as knowledge is its objective basis. During practical training carried out in comprehensive schools students need knowledge in various spheres to plan a lesson of physical education.


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