Jeu de Paume - First in Russia Indoor Sports Facility (History of Jeu de Paume in Russia) health-improving physical culture and sport for all
B.A. Mikhaylov
Professor, Ph.D.
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
The purpose of the research was to trace the path of historical development of the game "Jeu de Paume" in Russia and its capital Saint Petersburg in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
Analysis of literary and archival data confirms that the building "Jeu de Paume" was meant for this game and is the first indoor facility that survives to this day in Russia built for sports purposes. It is very likely I. Starov is considered the architect. Unfortunately, this building is known more as a place where A.S. Popov sent his first radio message.
The sign "University Department of Physical Culture and Sport of St. Petersburg State University" is fixed on the building. A large game room, a climbing wall, a gym and rooms for the chair are situated in this building. University mountaineers often use the outer wall of "Jeu de Paume" for trainings and competitions.
Keywords: history, game "Jeu de Paume", sport.
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