Socially Important Pedagogical Guidelines for Training Work of Teachers of Different Educational Areas
O.V. Kudryavtseva1, 4, V.S. Belyaev2, 4, M.V. Solovykh3, 5, M.A. Kaymina3, 6
1 Candidate
2 Professor, Dr.Biol.
3 Associate professor, Ph.D.
4 Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
5 Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow
6 Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
The purpose of the study was to modernize the educational process based on the identification of priority areas and improvement of the quality of "Physical Education" classes.
The observed poorly developed "communicative" and "tolerant" indicators and the persistently low dynamics of its growth from young to older group indicate low motivation of pupils to acquisition, processing and transfer of information, the inability to use it and unawareness of its value, the inability to see the essence in an information flow, which highlights pupils' helplessness and completely lacking educational orientation of the teacher's work.
In such a situation, tolerance is developed insufficiently effectively, is of subjective nature. Teacher's involvement is required to train the above-mentioned quality.
Keywords: training, training process, educational process, personality, pupil, educational situation, educational work.
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