Actualization of Kinesiological Potential of Students in Context of Physical Culture and Sports Education



A.I. Zagrevskaya
Associate professor, Ph.D.
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

The paper contains the scientific substantiation of the content of students' kinesiological potential and technology of its implementation in higher school.
The use of the kinesiological approach to physical culture and sports education of students is justified, since teaching them to develop their kinesiological potential will promote improvement of their health, physical and mental performance, psychomotor readiness for future work. In this context it becomes relevant to identify kinesiological competences in the educational area "Physical Culture", which if mastered will enable students to develop their kinesiological potential, i.e. kinesiological competency. The kinesiological competency is the ability of an individual to develop and improve his kinesiological potential, ensuring his psychophysical readiness for future work.

Keywords: kinesiology, kinesiological potential, students, physical culture and sports education.


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