Sports Science as an Efficiency Criterion of Training System for Elite Athletes within Colleges of Olympic Reserve



A.N. Khorunzhiy1, 3, V.P. Guba2, 3
1 Professor, Ph.D.
2 Professor, Dr.Hab., Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
3 Smolensk State College of Olympic Reserve, Smolensk

The importance of organizing research and methodological activity within a college of Olympic reserve is being justified in the paper.
To improve the training of elite athletes it seems possible to create scientific and methodical departments or laboratories at colleges of Olympic reserve, as one of today's most successful solutions in the pursuit of high sports results. Firstly, being in constant contact (whilst learning), we monitor the ongoing training of elite athletes, and, secondly, the necessary database, "Passport of future competency" is being created, which can be represented in the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation on graduating from the college, in order to resolve the matter of support of the athlete in the form of scholarships, grants, and so on.

Keywords: Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, College of Olympic Reserve, sports science, sports reserve training system.


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