Muscular Effort Differentiation Abilities of 6-7-year-olds and a Range of Means for Their Development
E.S. Kolesnikova, postgraduate
E.A. Zemskov, professor, Ph.D.
Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
Key words: system of analyzers, differentiation of muscular efforts, sensory method.
The quality of motor activity with the health developing and training orientation is stipulated by the abilities of preschool children to perceive, feel and adequately reproduce with the help of a set of analyzers temporal, spatial and dynamic characteristics of a specific motor action.
The ability to distinguish muscular efforts is in the structure of the sensorimotor and psychomotor qualities that are necessary for successful learning sports exercises. The theory of physiology of sensory systems helps to understand the essence of the sensorimotor and psychomotor qualities. In preschool physical education insufficient attention is drawn to the study of purposeful training of preschoolers' ability to differentiate muscular efforts and determination of special methods of their development.
The purpose of the present research was to determine the means for the development of sensorimotor and psychomotor qualities in preschool children.
The average statistical data characterize the level of coordination abilities to dynamic (force) and spatially dynamic differentiation in modern preschoolers.
The analysis of literature data and the results of the authors' research resulted in the development of a system of motor tasks and exercises for the development of the children's ability to differentiate of muscle efforts, which will enhance the efficiency of learning motor actions and development of the base motor capacity.
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