The Use of Vertical Row Machine in Technical and Tactical Training of Mas-Wrestlers



E.P. Kudrin, postgraduate
I.A. Cherkashin, professor, Dr.Hab.
Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk

Key words: mas-wrestling, vertical row machine, technical and tactical training, physical exercises, learning and teaching, physical qualities.

Thanks to studies the problem of physical fitness of mas-wrestlers can be treated more widely, from the standpoint of its integration with the technical and tactical training. So, it became necessary to develop and improve the technical and tactical training of mas-wrestlers using the vertical row machine.
The purpose of the present research was to develop a set of technical and tactical methods for mas-wrestlers based on the use of the vertical row machine. The educational experiment, conducted at the Centre of national sports named after B. Manchaara in the sports complex "Modun" (Yakutsk), involved 15-17 year-old athletes engaged in the training stage of the long-term training.
The developed program of technical and tactical training consists of two parts. The first part of the program is dedicated to training basic techniques and their improvement. The second part 2, 3 and 4 are combined. Technical and tactical actions and techniques were practiced using the vertical row machine.
Thus, the use of the vertical row machine plays an important role in the improvement of general and special physical fitness and training of technical and tactical actions of young mas-wrestlers at the training stage of the long-term training.


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