Model of Optimization of Training of Skilled Power Lifters Depending on Biorhythms
A.P. Dodonov, postgraduate
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Key words: power lifting, model, modeling, biorhythms, optimization of training of skilled power lifters.
Power lifting is developing dynamically, which attracted the attention of scientists to development of the content of training for skilled athletes, methodological basics of planning of training cycles. The classifications of training loads based on the number of lifts and weights, technique of basic and additional exercises to deadlift, bench press and squats, as well as operational methods of control of functional state and recovery were scientifically substantiated. However, the urgency of finding new ways to improve, restructure and individualize sports training was stipulated by the increasing demands for the implementation of maximum power capabilities, the reliability level of training of skilled power lifters.
Objectification of management of training process involves the development of integrated criteria, assessment models for physical, functional and psychological components and the elaboration of the most efficient variants of training load on this basis.
The purpose of the present research was to develop a model of improving the training of skilled power lifters on the basis of biorhythms.
The proposed method of training of skilled power lifters on the basis of biorhythms and functional state is justified in terms of the detailed modeling of the training process and the nature of physical activity (minimum, average, maximum and submaximal).
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