Prediction of critical situations when driving a motorcycle on public roads



D.E. Ivlev1, 4, V.N. Zudin2, 4, G.I. Shulik2, 4, E.S. Tsygankov3, 4
1 Postgraduate
2 Ph.D., associate professor
3 Dr.Hab., professor, academician of Baltic Pedagogical Academy
4 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow

The paper deals with the features of forecasting of critical situations arising while riding a motorcycle on public roads, of analysis of types of forecasts, as well as those aspects necessary for safe driving of a motorcycle.
In order to ride a motorcycle safely on public roads, the driver must have a wide range of skills that have to be brought to the level of automaticity and to provide adequate and timely driving techniques in critical driving situations. In turn, the ability of motorcyclist to predict potential critical situations while driving in difficult road conditions is the condition that determines safety.

Keywords: motorcyclist, road safety, critical situations. 


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