Value of physiological testing of young table tennis players with different lateralization of functions to predict athletic performance



N.N. Zakhar'eva1, 3, G.V. Barchukova2, 3
1 Dr.Med., professor
2 Dr.Hab., professor
3 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow

A large number of left handed athletes actively involved in table tennis is typical today. Interestingly, left handed table tennis players play better than right handed ones. A number of researchers established the differences in psychophysiological characteristics of athletes with different lateralization of functions (E.M. Berdichevskaya et al., 2005, 2006, 2013; N.N. Zakhar'eva, 2012, 2014). It was found that the success in specific sport depends on a particular type of interhemispheric asymmetry. The process of qualification of table tennis players can be associated with the fact that the athletes with a particular hemisphere being dominating develop better specific motor skills, sustain easier stressful conditions of competition and adjust better to high physical loads and psychological stress (N.N. Zakhar'eva 2012). Junior table tennis players - true left handers, are distinguished by "strength -weakness" according to the tapping test, by the ability to keep up the pace for a long time, they generally play better, but are inferior to the right handed at the age of 11- 14 years (p <0.05). Left handed athletes have significantly higher characteristics of frequency of hand movements rather than right handers. The frequency of hand movements of junior tennis players is not strictly defined and age differences can be individual, and it can reach its maximum at the age of 8 -10. Junior table tennis players differ in the way their physical qualities are displayed depending on age and gender. Physical performance of right handed table tennis players at the age of 8 -10 is much better than of the left handed ones. Left handed tennis players have much better strength abilities rather that right handers. According to the evaluation of coordination abilities of adolescents on the basis the Romberg balance test, left handed tennis players take the lead.

Keywords: young table tennis players, lateralization of functions, hemispheric asymmetry, physiological tests of reflex activity of central nervous system, physical qualities, athletic performance.


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