Educational technology to improve coordination abilities of students of non-sports universities



I.Yu. Gorskaya1, 2, L.N. Verigo3, M.Yu. Moor3
1 Dr.Hab., professor
2 Siberian State University of Physical Culture, Omsk
3 Omsk State Institute of Service, Omsk

The paper contains the materials of theoretical and experimental studies on the problem of formation of psychophysical readiness for future career of students of non-sports universities. The emphasis is made on the importance of the aspect of physical and psychophysical training - development and improvement of various types of coordination abilities. The educational technology of coordination training for students, based on the development and improvement of types of coordination abilities important for a successful career in the structure of the learning process on physical education was justified. Conceptual and structural components of the designed technology of development and improvement of professionally important coordination abilities of students were characterized. A brief description of methods, techniques and approaches that help effectively influence the area of professionally important coordination abilities of students of non-sports universities was given. The results of the experimental verification of the effectiveness of using the technology with regard to students of particular specialties were presented. The quantitative data characterizing different ways to improve coordination abilities of students in the framework of the learning process on the subject "Physical Education" in case of short-term educational effects were obtained.

Keywords: coordination abilities, psychomotor function, applied professional physical culture, testing, professiogram.


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