Swimming training for students on the basis of motor and functional fitness
I.N. Akramovskiy1, 3, D.A. Raevskiy2, 3
1 Ph.D., associate professor
2 Ph.D.
3 National Research Technological University (MISiS), Moscow
The paper explains the methodology of swimming training on the basis of development of motor and functional fitness. The study involved 52 1-2-year students of National Research Technological University (MISiS), who trained in swimming conditioning groups. Subjects were divided into two groups: control (CG) and experimental (EG), 26 persons in each. Pre-training was carried out in the EG to form motor and functional readiness for mastering the swimming skill. The main parameters were identified: activity time, number of repetitions, rest pause between repetitions. Sets of exercises on land were used in the threshold of further education of students in the aquatic environment. Both on land and in water, special attention was paid to the development of the respiratory system, increase of vital capacity (VC), timed inspiratory capacity. 18 exercises on land and 24 - in water were used. Hand fixed flat to perform a variety of exercises promoted proper development of water balance skills. Development of correct laternation of muscle tension and relaxation had a positive effect on the acquisition of the ability to simultaneously tense muscles of active limb and relax muscles of inactive one. Coordination of movements, performance of special exercises contributed to the development of better coordination of movements of arms, legs and breathing in sports swimming techniques. Mastering of water balance skills, the ability to change the position of the body afloat moving with hands and forearms represent the motor basis of the main swimming skill, that is, promote the ability to be on the surface of the water and move in it without much effort. In the educational experiment all of these qualities and skills contributed to improvement of front crawl skills.
Keywords: physical qualities, motor coordination, swimming skills, technical elements.
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