Landscape principles in development of health tourism in Nizhnevartovsk region (KhMAR-Yugra)
S.E. Korkin 3, 1, R.I. Shayakhmetova3, 2
1 Ph.D.
2 Postgraduate
3 Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
The paper presents the ecological and geomorphological assessment of the recreational potential for organizing and conducting sports and recreational routes in the Nizhnevartovsk region. The recreational resources were assessed using the standard procedure, which takes into account all the natural and anthropogenic features, as well as the current state of the territory. The aesthetic appeal of natural landscapes and their diversity are an important factor when estimating the potential of recreational resources. The study of the presence of anthropogenic and natural objects - oil and gas pipelines, multiple-well platforms, power lines, transport sector; MPC territory; geomorphological processes - abrasion and abrasion-thermokarst hazard zone, and so on. The conducted ecological and geomorphological assessment of the recreational potential for organizing and conducting sports and recreational routes in the Nizhnevartovsk region testifies to the fact that the leading indicators that define the recreational potential depend on: the degree of intensity of environmental situation on any territory; the intensity of hazardous geological and geomorphological processes, which are closely related with such characteristics of relief, as density of horizontal partitioning of relief, magnitude of vertical partitioning of relief, angles of land surface, geological and geomorphological situations.
Keywords: health tourism, environmental assessment, ecological and geomorphological conditions, landscape.
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