Prevention and correction of postural disorders in 5-7-year-olds: parents and teachers cooperation



V.Yu. Krotova
Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh

The article is devoted to the currently urgent issue of prevention and correction of postural disorders in 5-7-year-olds due to the growing number of children with this disease. The article touches upon the issue of cooperation of teachers and parents of preschoolers.
The article describes the essence of the concept of prevention and correction, stages of postural disorder, efficiency criteria of physical therapy, among which special place belongs to the active involvement of parents and the child's desire to exercise. The specificity of posture formation in children aged 5-7 years and the factors affecting it are highlighted.
Moreover, the author introduces us to the goals of physical therapy, highlighting the cooperation of experts of preschool and medicoprophylactic institutions, that contribute to the improvement of the prevention and correction of postural disorders.
The objective of the study was presented by the author attempts to estimate the attitude of parents to children's health, the problems the parents of children face when their children exercise at home.
Based on the analysis of the anonymous survey of parents of 5-7-year-olds in order to identify the difficulties the parents of preschoolers attending the rehabilitation center "Parus nadezhdy” (“Sail of Hope") (compliance with day regimen, incidence, attitude of parents to hardening of their children, fulfillment of conditions necessary for proper physical development; influence of parents and teachers on motor activity of preschooler) deal with, the ways of determining the tactics of cooperation of parents and teachers were planned.

Keywords: preschool aged children, physical therapy, postural disorder, prevention and correction of postural disorders, factors affecting posture.


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