Differential diagnostics of the impact of techniques of wave biomechanics on the amount of motor activity in accordance with typological characteristics of properties of nervous system in preschool aged children



N.G. Mikhaylov1, 3, A.I. Kavokin2, 3
1 Ph.D., Associate Professor
2 Postgraduate
3 Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

Numerous changes in the health status of preschool children are caused by the information overload on the background of the progressive reduction of motor activity through the use of standard methods and techniques of physical education. Therefore, in this situation it is necessary to find new methods and techniques to increase motor activity at physical education lessons. It seems promising to develop scientific techniques of diagnostics of adaptive capabilities of the body due to the innovative techniques being introduced to increase the volume of motor activity. It can be assumed that the observed changes in the condition of the child will vary according to the typological properties of the nervous system. It is suggested using the methods and techniques of wave biomechanics as a new approach to increasing the volume of physical activity for children of preschool age.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of techniques of wave biomechanics on the result of growth of the volume of motor activity, depending on the properties of the typological features of the nervous system.
It has been established that the purposeful use of wave simulators among senior preschool age children contributed to an increase in motor activity in the range 2500 - 3000 thousand steps. The volume of motor activity in the course of physical education should be planned in accordance with the typological characteristics of the nervous system.

Keywords: physical activity, wave simulators, strength and lability of nervous system, dynamic efficiency, tapping test, "Effecton Studio" software.


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