Improving training process of young karatekas (shotokan style)



V.M. Katashev2, O.A. Shubina1, 3, O.I. Pyatunina1, 3
1 Ph.D., Associate Professor
2 Children and Youth Sports School № 2, Biysk
3 Altai State Academy of Education named after V.M. Shukshin
The need to improve the training process of young karatekas with regard to the methodological foundations of this sport is highlighted in the present paper.
The purpose of the research was defined by the allocated relevance: improving the training process of young karatekas (shotokan style) by adjusting the certification program and control standards.
The study took place in 2007-2013 at the premises of the Children and Youth Sports School № 2 in Biysk.
The subjects were 30 young karatekas observed for several years: from the first year of beginner training up to the third year of training in the training group inclusive.
Evaluation of the findings of the educational experiment proved the effectiveness of innovations introduced by the authors, namely: an increase in the conversion control regulations of the total of requirements for overall physical fitness and the introduction of 90% of exercises corresponding to the karate competitive technique for estimating special physical fitness, as well as the modernization of the certification program towards specification of the set of requirements for each training level.

Keywords: karate shotokan, training process of young karatekas, control standards, certification program.


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