Educational technology of assessment
V.V. Ponomarev1, 3,D.S. Prikhodov2, 3, A.V. Yatskovskiy2, 3, O.N. Pashkov2, 3
1 Dr.Hab, Professor
2 Postgraduates
3 Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk
School years are a period when the biological maturation of the young human body is over and the social development of the individual is put in the forefront. Pupils as a social structure are a group affected by many risk factors. They are more likely than other social groups to suffer from various diseases, often a number of diseases, as the long-lasting tension that occurs in some system in response to disharmony can affect other systems.
Restriction of motor activity reduces the students’ physical working capacity and mental performance due to the reduction of impulses from the muscles to the motor centers of the cerebral cortex, which leads to increased neuro-psychic fatigue, fatigue, disturbance of cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems, and this results in a decrease in the protective functions of the body and other diseases among pupils.
Thus, on the one hand, increasing demands to the overall readiness of senior pupils due to the progressive trends of development of the areas of work, education and leisure prove that it is extremely important in the XXI century to form common physical culture competences. On the other hand, the low level of functioning in them is detected, which deprives pupils of the safety reserves in the form of physical health, functional vigour, mental stability and emotional satisfaction. And it prevents pupils from self-fulfillment, effectively withstanding adverse environmental conditions, and different socio-economic difficulties.
Inadequate overall physical culture competences are a characteristic feature of the modern pupil’s lifestyle. According to research by Yu.G. Vasin and G.A. Shevchuk, pupils spend only 1.4% of the free time on the active motor activity. Research hygienists suggest that most senior pupils spend up to 82-85% of the day in a static position (sitting).
Thus, the focus of the modern pupils on the formation of general physical culture competences in the sphere of physical education is a prerequisite to the protection and promotion of physical health.
Keywords: educational technology, general physical culture competences, senior pupils, school, physical education.
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