Conceptual Grounds of development of professional mobility of students of universities of physical culture



Dr.Hab., Professor A.A. Nayn
Associate professor, Ph.D. T.Yu. Tikhonova
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk 


Abstract. The article examines еру development of professional mobility of students of universities of physical culture as an opportunity to increase competitiveness and self-actualization in the changing socio-economic conditions. Pedagogical principles of professional training of students are defined. A conclusion is made about the need to integrate educational technologies aimed at the development of professional mobility.

Keywords: conceptual grounds, professional mobility, university of physical culture, pedagogical principles.

Introduction. As noted in the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, the educational system is meant to ensure “training of highly educated and elite specialists, capable of professional development and professional mobility within informatization of society and high technologies” [10].

Insufficient preparedness of graduates of university of physical culture for successful adaptation in the market conditions is in conflict with the needs of the modern Russian society in professionally mobile human resources. In this case, a compromise solution can be to develop new approaches to human resources training, providing graduates of university of physical culture with a high level of professional mobility development, competitiveness, self-actualization and self-realization in the labor market.

The purpose of the research was to define the conceptual grounds which ensure the development of professional mobility of students of university of physical culture.

Results and discussion. To date, the scientific interpretation of the notion of “conceptual grounds” is ambiguous. Taking into account different points of view with regards to the interpretation of the notion of “conceptual grounds”, we adhere to the following definition. It is a system of views with regards to the issue in question that expresses the author’s vision, understanding and interpretation of its implementation in universities of physical culture and demonstrates the leading idea of personal self-development in the system of higher education in the sphere of physical culture based on holistic and integrative developmental approaches.

Basing on the results of research in the field of methodology of pedagogics, study of theses containing authors’ educational concepts, we have developed a concept of development of professional mobility of students of universities of physical culture [1-8] that contains the following blocks:

  • problem (purposeful) that includes goals, objectives, requirements for the pedagogical process;

  • base (the base of the concept) that contains theoretical and methodological grounds, that is, known theories of vocational education;

  • content that includes the leading ideas, approaches, principles, major conceptual provisions and models. Their implementation should lead to the construction of the concept of development of professional mobility of students;

  • practical (applied) that includes methods, tools for organization of the process, implementation mechanisms and diagnostics.

In order to create the concept of development of professional mobility of students of physical culture universities it is necessary to substantiate a set of principles that are the core of the concept we are developing.

In our study we understand the principles as scientifically substantiated requirements arising from pedagogical patterns and ensuring successful achievement of projected goals [2, p. 125].

The first principle – that of systematization – focuses on the identification of multivarious connections of a complex object and their understanding as a unified pattern.

The second principle – that of vocational training humanization – involves creation of the most favorable opportunities for the development of the creative individuality of every person, dialogic communication of the persons involved in the educational process.

The third principle – that of the continuity of the educational process – ensured the continuity and succession of its forms, methods and techniques. Continuity is a characteristic of involvement of an individual in the educational process at all stages of his/her development. It also characterizes succession of educational activities during the transition from one kind of it to another, from one life stage of an individual to another.

The fourth principle – that of the advanced nature of education in universities of physical culture, indicating that the level of development of the vocational training system should be ahead and form the level of development of student’s personality, society and production, its equipment and technology.

The fifth principle – that of subjectivity - suggests regarding the trainee (student) in terms of his ability to be a strategist of his activity, to set and adjust goals, understand motives, act independently and assess compliance of the actions with what has been intended to be, create one’s own life plans.

The sixth principle – aiming at forming fundamental knowledge. Fundamental knowledge is core, framework, methodologically important beliefs that go back to the basics of understanding, to the primary substances. They differ from specific knowledge and facts in the fact that “these beliefs change relatively slowly, “exist” for a relatively long time, so we can hope that this knowledge will change slightly over the average period of years of service of university graduates” [11, p. 91]. Ability to think, get knowledge independently, developed on their basis, can be of great help to students of universities of physical culture and if necessary can contribute to changes in their specialization or even profession, i.e. can help them to be professionally mobile.

Fundamentalization of higher education in the sphere of physical culture suggests that formation of students’ inner need for self-development and self-cultivation should be one of the priorities of education along with their learning the methods of acquiring knowledge, formation of personal qualities that would enable them to successfully adapt, live and work in the knowledge society.

With regard to the issue of development of professional mobility of students of universities of physical culture in order to form the fundamental knowledge it is necessary to form modules of the most important data in the field of not only variable (specialized), but also the basic (mandatory) disciplines. The primary role should belong to courses that contain knowledge basic for the formation of general (History of Russia, Sociology, Cultural Studies) and professional culture (Pedagogics, Pedagogics of Physical Culture, Acmeology of Physical Culture), for fast adaptation to new professions, specialities and specializations (Personal Career Strategy, Employment Technology, Business Communication).

The seventh principle is diversification. This principle implies broadening of the range of educational services, acquisition of new specializations and includes a set of more specific principles, such as:

– meeting the need for professionally mobile graduates;

– continuous improvement of the quality of vocational training and the level of requirements for qualifications of professional staff;

- personal orientation.

The eighth principle – that of the integration of modern learning technologies. Modern conditions set challenges for higher education. Therefore, the use of only one, albeit a very effective learning technology, does not enable us to resolve them fully and cost-effectively. Development of professional mobility is possible only on the basis and by means of integration of existing learning technologies. Each model, whether it is problem-based learning, portfolio technology, project work, coaching, training, contextual learning or module technology, contains certain restrictions. Removing them, according to O.A. Malygina, is only possible by integrating existing educational technologies [9, P.126].

Conclusion. The conceptual foundations for the development of professional mobility of students of physical culture university are a system of scientific views and interpretations of the phenomenon of professional mobility, a system of principles, approaches, determining the process of its development.


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