

V.V. Vinogradov, candidate
Moscow state academy of physical culture, Malakhovka, the Moscow region

Key words: handicapped, social rehabilitation and adaptation, need for occupations of physical culture and sport.

Introduction. Physical culture and sport are much more acute for the handicapped than for ordinary people. Active physical exercises, participation in sports competitions are the forms of essential communication, recover mental balance, decrease the feeling of isolation and give back self-confidence and normal active life. Occupations of physical culture and sport create mental targets for effective social integration of the handicapped. The use of the means of physical culture and sport is an effective and in some cases even the only way of social rehabilitation and adaptation.

The main goal of introduction of the handicapped to regular occupations of physical culture and sport is recovery of the lost contact with the world around, establishment of necessary conditions for social integration, participation in community work, rehabilitation of mental and physical health, improving fitness level to make up for lost body functions, facilitating not only rehabilitation, but also social integration. Rehabilitation and acquiring of labor skills are also an essential factor [1-3].

The Moscow national program “Moscow sport” for 2012-2016 sets before organizations, working with the handicapped in the field of physical culture and sport, the task of increase of the number of handicapped involved in physical culture and sport from 7,0% in 2012 to 11,0% in 2016 (of the number of handicapped capable by medical recommendations of going in for physical culture and sport).

Insufficient interest of the handicapped in regular occupations of physical culture and sport and lack of motivation for trainings can be a barrier in solution of the task of attracting many of them to regular sports occupations.

The purpose of the research was to work a technique of formation of the need for classes of physical culture and sport in the 20-40-aged handicapped with spinal cord injury, hearing and visual impairments and mental retardation.

Methods and organization of research. 250 handicapped with varied health disorders (spinal cord injury, hearing and visual impairments, mentally retarded aged 20-40, 180 men and 70 women, Moscow citizens), not involved in physical culture and sport by the moment of the research (December, 2008) took part in the experiment. They were to fill in a questionnaire, containing questions on their intention of going in for physical culture and sport: in case of shown wish on the reasons why they do not do it; in case of lack of intention – on the reasons of lack of motivation for doing sports.

Then the 3-year-long communications works with the indicated group of handicapped were carried out on attraction to participation in sports-recreational and sports-mass measures with the involvement of handicapped and measures only for the handicapped in various sports and complex ones (festivals, sports days).

In the end of the year the results were summed up (for every single year): taking into consideration the number of persons regularly involved in sports measures and the ones who started regular occupations of physical culture and sport after the carried out communications works (of mainly individual character).

Proceeding from the research, the main reasons of indisposition to occupations of physical culture and sport are:

· Lack of information on the places with sports facilities for the handicapped, available sports, sports-mass measures for individuals with disabilities;

· Impossibility of using public transport and lack of self-confidence.

Within the research the testees were supposed to take a regular part (2-4 times a month) in sports-mass measures with the involvement of handicapped or only for the handicapped.

Within the first year of the research each of the measures was conducted in single sports every time with the involvement of small groups of handicapped in accordance to one of the categories (by the type of competitions for common athletes). Due to underfunding of the measures and lack of adapted transport in places in 2009 the handicapped had to get to the place of competitions by public transport or using some other ways (personal transport).

In accordance to the results of 2009 78 persons (56 men and 22 women) out of the group of 250 started participating regularly (not less than once a month) in sports events, whereas 42 (34 men and 8 women) started regular sports occupations.

In 2010 in view of the research participants’ desires, revealed by the questionnaire, the number of complex measures, including 4-6 sports, was increased compared to the previous year, handicapped persons of all categories were involved at the same time in the measures only for individuals with disabilities. These changes resulted in more interest in sports events, and by the end of 2010 already 154 persons (96 men and 58 women) took part in the events. 66 persons (42 men and 24 women) started regular physical exercises in sports clubs and sections.

In 2011 the handicapped themselves, going in for available sports, were engaged in the communications works in the handicapped community, sports-mass events for the handicapped received wide coverage in mass media. TV channel representatives were invited to practically all events.

The events were mostly complex (up to 12 sports), providing capacities for every handicapped for choosing 1-3 sport to his physical and emotional state to perform in a sports festival or an event with possible further perfection in selected kinds of sport.

Thanks to the improved by Moscow sport committee and other organizations situation with financing of the measures for the handicapped participants of every competition were provided with food and merchandise and delivered to the place of competitions in specialized buses. Competitions were attended by qualified judging panels, promoting its better organization. Professional entertainers performed in pauses at closing address of the competitions. Thus, sports event was also entertaining.

Volunteers are of great importance in successful arrangement of sports-mass measurements for the handicapped.

Selection of obtainable sports for an event is an acute aspect. Proceeding from various physical, emotional and other aspects of state of supposed participants of the event the conclusion was made on the wider range of games, not requiring much of action (novuss, darts, mini-golf, boccia), table games, technical sports (car racing), sports facilitating overall recreation and manifestation of mental capacities (Nordic walking with the elements of touristic orienteering).

Research results. By the end of the third year of the experiment 223 persons (157 men and 66 women) out of 250 within the communications works took regular part (not less than once a month) in sports mass events. 87 men and 36 women attended sports clubs and sections by in the end of 2011.

Positive shifts in physical and mental state are observed in the handicapped, who started regular occupations of physical culture and sport (attending classes in sports clubs, sections not less than once a week), and taking regular (not less than once a month) part in sports-mass measures:

· Ability to cope with psychological difficulties while achieving set tasks;

· Compensatory skills to replace lost functions, promoting self-confidence;

· Conscious assessments of personal abilities, capacity of self-perception;

· Strive for coping with physical and mental loads, increase of exercise performance;

· Need for introduction of healthy way life;

· Self-awareness as a social member, capable of making a personal contribution in its social development;

· Awareness of the ability to get satisfaction from physical activity;

· Need for new lasting impressions;

· Ability to cope with negative feelings (anxiety, aggression, fear).

Conclusions. The problems of social rehabilitation and adaptation of the handicapped are being solved by means of physical culture and sport, but there exist some deterrents, including, first of all, the insufficiently expressed need for physical perfection in the handicapped themselves due to the lack of specialized propaganda focusing the handicapped on the occupations of physical culture and sport.

Along with provided availability of sports facilities for the handicapped improvement of the communications works on development of physical culture and mass sport is required for this category of people.

The measures organized in view of the guidelines worked in the research were proved to promote effective interaction with the handicapped, focused on their involvement in the active occupations of physical culture and sport.


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2. Rubtsova, N.O. Problems of rehabilitation of the handicapped by means of physical culture and sport / N.O. Rubtsova // Social and labor rehabilitation of the handicapped: manual for social workers. – Мoscow: Recreational-publ. center of the consortium "Russian social health", 1997. (In Russian)

3. Schedrina, A.G. Health and mass physical culture. Methodological aspects / A.G. Schedrina//Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury, – 1999. – № 4. (In Russian)

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