Hippotherapy as an innovative technology of adaptive physical education
PhD, Associate Professor O.G. Sedykh
Baikal State University, Irkutsk
Keywords: hippotherapy, rehabilitation, adaptive physical education, children with disabilities, social adaptation.
Hippotherapy, as a form of adaptive physical education, is a unique rehabilitation method based on interaction with horses. This innovative therapeutic practice combines elements of physical activity, emotional support, and social adaptation [1]. Therapy with horses not only aids in physical recovery but also strengthens psychological well-being, making it a valuable tool in adaptive physical education for children with developmental disabilities and individuals with health limitations.
Research aim: to analyze the role of hippotherapy in addressing the main challenges of social adaptation and rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities and the prospective development of adaptive physical education in modern conditions.
Methodology and research organization.
The research objectives were achieved through a SWOT analysis of hippotherapy as an innovative technology in adaptive physical education.
Results and discussion.
Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of this technology, it is worth noting that the physical, psychological, and social benefits of hippotherapy enable the integration of individuals with disabilities into society. It contributes to the formation of public health and the prevention of negative social phenomena. Collaboration between equestrian centers and educational and medical organizations is possible.
Thanks to the state standard adopted in 2023 (GOST R 70774–2023. Services for adaptive horseback riding (hippotherapy). General requirements (dated 09.06.2023 No. 374-st)) and the creation of communities interested in hippotherapy, opportunities arise for writing projects and grants on this topic, as well as creating new jobs. However, the lack of objective assessment of progress using this technology makes it difficult to "free society" from stereotypes about horseback riding and to write grants and projects for further development.
The analysis of opportunities and risks showed that the comprehensive benefits for recipients neutralize the threat of low effectiveness due to individual characteristics. This technology is suitable for a wide range of people, and the risk of allergic reactions to horses is minimal.
The development of hippotherapy as an innovative social rehabilitation technology is multifaceted. It has numerous advantages, but it is also associated with risks, many of which are mitigated by working with competent and qualified instructors. Hippotherapy undoubtedly has potential for the development of adaptive physical education.
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