The role of information and analytical competence in the training of coaches of game sports in the People's Republic of China
Postgraduate student Lan Weian
1Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow
Keywords: sports games, students, coach training, professional competencies, digital technologies, sports education.
Research aim: to determine the level of information-analytical competence among future coaches of game sports in China and to identify conditions for its improvement.
Methodology and research organization.
To study the role of information-analytical competence, a questionnaire survey was conducted among more than 120 students from leading sports universities in China. The questionnaire assessed skills in using analytical tools, their importance for the profession, and satisfaction with the educational process. Additionally, an analysis of university curricula was conducted.
Results and discussion.
The survey revealed that only 19.6% of students confidently use analytical programs such as Hudl or Dartfish for match and training analysis. Meanwhile, 42.3% of respondents reported having only basic knowledge, and 48.7% faced significant difficulties when working with such tools. An interesting finding was the perceived importance of information-analytical competence: 85.4% of students recognized its critical role in their future careers, and 52.1% stated that the lack of these skills could be a major obstacle to successful work. However, only 20.4% of participants believed that the university program fully met their needs in this area.
The results indicate significant potential for developing information-analytical competence among students but also highlight weaknesses in educational programs and curricula. Only 9.6% of study time is allocated to disciplines related to analytics, which is clearly insufficient for mastering this important competence. It is worth noting that digital technologies are used unevenly. For example, students at Shanghai Sports University have access to modern video platforms, GPS devices, and VR simulators in their educational process. In regional universities, access to such technologies is limited, creating a gap in the level of training.
Information-analytical competence plays a crucial role in the professional activities of game sports coaches. However, the results of the study show that existing educational programs in China require significant modernization. Increasing study time dedicated to analytics and ensuring students' access to modern equipment are key tasks for improving coach training.
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